I'm kind of in a hurry to get out of the house and to work, but I just wanted to recap my "Oh so busy," weekend.
Friday night was girls night at my church. And it was a "bring whatever craft you are working on," kind of night. So, I had fully planned on bringing my quilt and getting some pointers on how to do it.
One small problem. I realized, like 30 minutes before I was supposed to be there, that a loud sewing machine would probably not be inducive of chit chat and such.
Darn it.
What was I going to do? Sure I KNEW how to do a variety of crafts, but I certainly do not have any of the supplies here with me. And I couldn't go empty handed. That would just be too weird.
So. I brought my quilt strips with me anyways. And an iron.
And I just MADE myself look busy for 2.5 hours. trimming away the edges and intermittenly going up and ironing them. But, really, it was a good night. I got to talk with 2 of the ladies from my Sunday School class, and got to meet a couple more ladies from the church.
Saturday morning we had to get up very very early, as we left for Orlando by 7:30. We had a funeral in Oviedo at 10, lunch with Courtney and Sean afterwards, over to see Ian's puppies at his house and his brother, Andrew, then on to see the Alderman's and the Vargas'. THEN on to see my parents and the Blankenships, though I didn't get to see Baby Jack because they were running late. Hung out there for a little, changed out of the funeral clothes and into the wedding clothes, (because that could be really weird, walking around in black mourning clothes at a wedding,) then on to my childhood friend's wedding, Ben Hogue.
It was a really strange time for me. Ben, Katie, Jason, and I, used to be inseparable. And then there was that year or two when I really would have said Ben was my "best friend," so it was so strange going to his wedding. Here are some pictures from our adventures together!
Here we are, in London, making our classic strange faces. Apparently the bread was really tough and our "lemonade," tasted like Airborne. Weird Brits.

This is myself, Ben, Katie R, and Jessica in a club in London for dinner. This was on a trip where we didn't get fed all to well, so we were pretty ravenous.
This is Ben and I, lost in the Louvre, in Paris, France. Apparently I don't like his sense of direction. Also. I was not too please with the tiny size of the Mona Lisa. Could have added to my displeasure.

Oh D, I love you.
I am so glad we got to see you this weekend, Brittney! You and Ian look so happy! We feel very honored that you would fit our crazy family into your VERY busy day! Hope your friend's wedding went well and that ya'll stayed dry! I know how strange it is when all of your childhood friends get married. You think that's weird, wait until you start getting all of the birth announcements later! Some of my friends, I swear I wondered how they managed a baby because when I knew them they had trouble matching their socks!! Not to say we all don't grow up, but it is weird!!
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