Which, sounded easy to me, turns out, not so much.

35 minutes later I am still stirring. No custard.
This is my DELICIOUS soap that Mrs. Angela gifted me on my last surprise visit. She has a storehouse of this particular flavor and wanted to pass on the obsession, I believe. I think it worked. Who doesn't like smelling like peppermint during the holidays?!?

I got bored with taking pictures and bored with stirring, so after 45 minutes of stirring (it had started to clump slightly around 25 minutes) I gave up and just poured it in the dish with the bananas and nilla wafers, and cooked it. Turned out great! Well, it was VERY custardy, which, it turns out, is a texture I am not very found of. But Ian looooooved it, and pretty much devoured it for days, until I threw it out due to the disgustingness of the bananas at that point.
Give me good ol' Sonny's banana pudding any old time.
Uh, Brittney, I just want you to know that I have never tried making banana pudding from scratch. So you have a lot more gumption than your good ole mom. I think it is great that you are trying new things. And Ian is brave enough to eat them. :) BTW- Jello makes an instant one if you want to make your life easier.
I can't tell you how happy I am to see your Peppermint Twist soap sitting on the sink! :) I DO love it and I love you too! Yeah.....and I've NEVER attempted to make ANY pudding. EVER. :)
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