Mrs. Galloway!
I just got my phone call today, that the teacher I have been substitute teaching for, is FINALLY going on maternity leave (about time too, she's 41 years old, 38 weeks along with her first child!)
So, starting Monday, the 17th, I will be their full time teacher...for the rest of the year! Their original teacher isn't coming back, so it's all up to me!
I am SO ready to be back in the classroom, to plan, create, organize, and most importantly, educate!
Below are some "before," pictures of her classroom. I probably won't rearrange until after the holidays so that everything isn't turned upside down for them all at once, but I will definately be cleaning and organizing things.
What do you think about a classroom pet? I am thinking about getting us a hamster and reading them the book that Mrs. Angela recommended "The World According to Humphrey," outloud, as a first week activity in order to have a time filler.
I do have many "needs" for my classroom, and I'm not really sure where to start. I know that I definately need a rug of some sort, so if you know of anyone wanting to get rid of a colorful area rug, let me know! I also need to get some books, for the upcoming holiday season, including books on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Hannakuh/Kwanza (though I am fairly positive none of my students follow those last two.)
Have I mentioned I am excited?!?

Yay!!!! I'm so happy for you Little D! You will be great and what a blessing from God! :o) xoxo
Whoooooooooooo- Hoooooooo!!!! You're finally getting to do what you do best: TEACH!!!! We are so thrilled for you and your new students!! They have no idea how blessed they are to be getting you for their teacher! We'll be praying for you and can't wait to hear about your adventures! I was thinking of places you could get some of the items you are looking for- the books you may be able to get through ebay- if you don't mind that they are not spanking new. I've found lots of books for my kids- especially series like Box Car Children and Nancy Drew- really inexpensive. The colorful rug may be found in either Target or Walmart, unless you want a really huge size. Believe it or not, my mom snagged an area rug for her dining room in Target on clearance for $50- and it was an 8X5!! Being that you are in a college town, there may be consignments for furniture that may have one! People move all the time in college towns and often they sell off their stuff rather than take it with them. Check newspaper classifieds or even Craigslist for your area. Just some ideas! Can you tell I'm excited for you!! Love from the Vargas Clan!!
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