I thought I would share with you a funny memory that my friend Katie reminded me of recently:
In 2006, I had the chance to travel abroad to England and France for a leadership trip. While in France, naturally, we visited the Louvre.
Now, I must preface this by telling you, that, the day before we left for Europe, I was diagnosed with my second case of strep in three weeks. I was bummed. But, on antibiotics.
They made me a little loopy. In fact, I have very little memory of St. Paul's Cathedral in London because of it.
Talk about "A Foggy Day, in London Town,"
So, after that horrible event, I stopped with the antibiotics. After all, I wanted to SEE Europe.
Then we went to Paris. And I was miserable.
Les MISERABLEs people.
So, I took my antibiotic.
And here we go, getting dropped off at the Louvre, having two hours to see the sights.
Do you know how impossible that is?

( that's me on the far left, in the Louvre,)
So, we saw the Mona Lisa, and I thought
"Wow, incredibly tiny painting for all the hype."
"Wow, I might get very lost if I don't find my group, all because I was staring at the very tiny painting for far too long."
then we ran through roman times,
Up through the medieval ages,
and then we came to THE ROOM.
You know, the room with the Venus de Milo?
Well, I don't really remember the Milo. I kind of do. But just barely.
All because I fell in love with something else.
The ceiling.
My friend Katie recalls it as me just walking around staring and taking pictures of the ceiling, while all the other people were staring at the famous armless work of art.
Thank you Penicillen.
(yes... this is my only picture, but I have plenty of the ceiling!)
1 comment:
great post! I thought you were going to say you laid down on a bench(because of your meds) and just admired the ceiling that way.
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