Happy Easter!
Happy Resurrection Sunday!
(this one is a new fangled term to me.)
I'm all for celebrating the resurrection of my Lord and Savior, but I get a little hesitant in the renaming of a holiday. Sure, calling it Resurrection Sunday, is calling it exactly what it IS. But is using that term more edifying and unifying instead of calling it Easter?
We had a nonChristian come over for lunch today, and someone in the group said "happy resurrection Sunday!" I about fell out of my chair when I saw the shock and misunderstanding pass over his face. I guess it's fine to say that in church, but I think there is more tactful ways to say "hey, I'm a believer. Just wanted to let you know."
whoa. What a bunny trail.
hahaha, get it? Bunny?
hardy har har right?
Alright, so after my tangent that has left many of you confused, let's move on to a recap of our Easter!
Ian and I were late, of course, to church. It's a really annoying habit that we honestly are trying to break. We're always just 30 seconds late, but that's too late, if you ask me! Usually, I'm ready first, standing around waiting on Ian, then he gets ready just in time to leave EXACTLY on time, and then I forget my ring.
or my purse.
or my planner.
Or my shoes.
So it's usually "my" fault, but in all reality it's a little bit of both of us.
So we find seats in the back of our church, after pulling out more chairs from rooms for visitors (we were packed!) Our music minister had to jet because his wife had just given birth the night before but he had wanted to be there for the music part of the service. I took roll in our Sunday school class, then blasted out of there to go home and put the ham in the oven.
I had a minor crisis when I could not figure out if I was supposed to leave this plastic disk on the ham or not. Then I removed it and read the teeny tiny words "remove before cooking." Good thing I removed it to read it!
Got the rest of the food ready, and was working on the last dish or two when the class pulled up. We had about 11 people come over for lunch, and it ended up being alot of fun!
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
Corn Casserole
Homemade Yeast Rolls
Deviled Eggs
and a beautiful dessert buffet!
Our guests hung around to play some pick up football out in the field, some mario kart on the wii, and even had a guest pass out into a Sunday afternoon nap on our floor (which, technically weirded me out a little, but I guess it showed he was comfortable!....... or bored. hmmm)
Our guests left around 3, I got caught up on some blogs and then walked out into the family room to find a surprise! No, not an easter basket. Ian comes from a family of very little holiday traditions, and he doesn't really get these things.
It was a playstation 3! Not ours of course, but our good friend Sam left it at our house for my enjoyment this week! Plus his bluray copy of Planet Earth! I'm very excited. Ian is excited because now he can play "worms," all he wants.
Kyle, remember Worms? I remember summers of staring at your computer screen BEGGING for you to play any other game because I thought it was so dull. Turns out, I still hold that same opinion.
We spent our evening lounging, reading, watching Planet Earth and River Monsters (on Animal Planet,) and play "worms," and "pixel junk monsters," (my favorite!)

Our Easter table setting. First time I got to use the table cloth. Too bad it doesn't really fit on our round table when the extension is in :(

Great post Brit. I love the candle tradition. You made a wonderful hostess. I wish I could have been there with you. Love ya!
Seems as though you had a great Easter! The food sounded great :) I just love your centerpiece/candle idea too!
Looks like you had a great Easter! I love that wreath from Target, and your table settings were beautiful and so meaningful.
Hey- I almost bought that wreath in Target!! Great minds think alike! Love the candle tradition! Your Easter sounded like it was fun and yummy! I think the person who took a nap was very comfortable because you are a great hostess! Can't wait until you're here for the summer! Caught up with reading your blog and it sounds like you've got a busy year ahead! We love and miss you!
I love the candles and the meaning behind them. Your table and decorations look nice! Way to be a host! I need to work on being hospitable and have guests over sometime.
BTW: The same exact thing happens to us about being on time to church. But the man never realilzes I'm actually ready since I never seem to remember everything until we are walking out of the door. Awww. The fault part is probably a battle not worth fighting, but I would like us to be on time more regularly!
I love the wreath you had on your door. We don't do that over here the UK and I think we should as I LOVE Spring!!!
I am glad you had a lovely Easter and the food sounds yummy! xxx.
sounds like the perfect Easter!! I also love your centerpiece idea!!!
Super cute D :)
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