I had the best thing happen today, and I'd love to share it with you!
Ian and I had planned on getting a fake Christmas tree to put in our cargo container that is being shipped overseas. That way, next year, when we live in Amman, Jordan (where hubby and I will be learning Arabic before moving on to work for The Company, a faith based non profit where Ian will be teaching business skills) we would be able to have our own little Middle Eastern styled Christmas!
About a week ago, we browsed the taRget trees, in hopes of finding one we loved.
And indeed, we did. The Caldwell Spruce was perfect. Not too fake looking, nice and full, with branches able to hold heavy ornaments.

Alas, there were no more in boxes, so I went home and tried to order one online (after all, they were 50% off!)
I was disheartened to learn that they were all sold out online, but encouraged thinking that "at least it means it is a well liked tree!"
So, today, when my mom and I ran out to get some stocking stuffers and groceries, I pulled her into the Christmas tree aisle once more in hopes of a seeing a boxed up Caldwell Spruce.
No, none there still.
Buy my momma had a brilliant idea! She told me to ask and see if they would sell me the display model, and sure enough, they would!
I got a little quesy about the purchase though. We have been unemployed for almost 8 months now, and our funds are certainly running low. I didn't want my holiday fesiveness to get in the way of my financial practicality.
So, when I say I was nauseaus, I really mean it. I broke out into cold sweats, turned pale, and felt akin to vomiting.
The $260 dollar tree was listed as 50% off at 129.99, and we were told that we could not receive any additional discount just because it was a display tree. So the tree was hefted off to customer service and I followed soon after to purchase it.
Imagine my surprise, when the cashier told me my total......62.99!
I was shocked. Floored! I even had him double check it. And when I saw the receipt I about passed out. It said....
You've saved 196.45.
Thank you, God, for such an unexpected blessing! I can't wait to unpack it next year and remember how He provided this tree for us!
And, if you are wanting to get a good looking fake tree for next year, I highly suggest you make a quick trip up to Target and see what you can find!
Wow! What a great deal. So glad you were able to find a tree to continue on the Christmas traditions even if you're far, far, away!
Thats wonderful news!! Great deal my friend!! :-)
A Christmas Miracle, provided by our One and Only...gotta love it!
I bought my fake tree from Target 3 years ago (before hubs & I even knew one another) and I LOVE it :)
Wow, that's great! I love those little blessings God gives us when we least expect it. The tree looks beautiful, too!
What an incredible blessing - Just another way God is providing & going before you and your husband! He is faithful and true :)
That's such a good deal don't you love those little surprises that just make your day?
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