January 6th, 2010
I can't get this stupid line to leave my typing alone.
Moving on.
Ian, his brother, Sid, Sid's fiance, Carly, and I had free tickets to go see the Orlando Magic play last Wednesday.
I don't really care too much for basketball. It makes me a little dizzy. I think I realized why though this time.
Here's my theory. In football (which I love,) the ball is {generally speaking} moving in one direction......forward.
But, in basketball, you never really know where it's going. It gets tossed, picked off, rebounded, and such.
Hence, the dizziness.
Plus, I had a pretty tragic basketball experience in the second grade {*cough cough* Dad!} and I try to avoid it now.
So, yes.
Free tickets= me going but not really caring since the tickets are free.
I did have a great time people watching {oh, we all know how obsessed I am with people watching.}
And also, there was a teenage girl sitting directly in front of me, so whenever I would lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees, I could see every word she was texting her boyfriend.
Carly and I were thoroughly entertained for the first two quarters by these texts.
They read something to the effect as this:
Girl: Hey Baby, I love you.
Boy: Baby, I Luv u 2!
Girl: What are you thinking right now?
Boy: I'm thinking that one day I will marry you.
Girl: Well, make sure you ask me soon!
hahahahahahaha. It went on and on and on.
It only got depressing after the dancers came out and shook their thang in their skimpy clothing and I read a text the girl had sent to her friend...
Girl: (who, by the way weighed about 90 lbs,) As soon as I get home I am ordering us an ab workout because I am so, so fat!
Yeah, it was a little sad.
And maybe I should stop eavesdrop reading.
I'll look into that.

Right, so, the Orlando Magic played the Toronto Raptors and we got to hear the Canadian anthem before our anthem.

That looks fun! I have never been to a pro basketball game. I actually may have never even been to a basketball game (beyond high school) where I paid any attention at all. :) But I wouldn't pass up the free ticket opportunity.
how awesome you had free tickets! I can never follow the ball in b-ball, it moves way to quick for me! And at least a lot of times I can see the things in football but in basketball I can never see fouls :(
Looks like a great time!! Free Tickets! Even better!!!! Your HAIR is so PRETTY!!!! I love it!!
Oh what fun! I've only been to one pro-game, but it was definitely entertaining from every aspect except the actual basketball game!
lol! how funny that you were reading that girl's text. I went to a Magic game once back when Michael Jordan was playing. It was fun - but you're right, pro games are dizzying - they move so fast
Girl, you crack me up! I am also a HUGE fan of people watching...but even worse, I am totally an eavesdrop-reader myself. The stuff people say is quite comical. But then I wonder...do other eavesdrop-readers laugh at the silly things I text to my hubby? ;)
I'm definitely more into the people-watching than I am the game...LOL
How exciting!
Oh, how I love your honesty. I am SO the same way... peoplewatching over basketball ANY day! Glad you had "fun" :)
Lol...how funny about the texting girl...I enjoy people watching as well :-) I'm glad you had a good time even though they lost!
Ha, that's so funy that you were eavesdropping on people's texts! Looks like a fun tiem though!
Sounds like you had fun though! I am not one for basketball either, just too fast I wouldn't know where to look.
I like the dude eavesdropping in on your last photo with Ian LOL!! I used to LOVE going to Magic games- it's been a long time for me though! Glad you had fun! xoxo
Fun!! People watching is what I do best too :) hahaa! Glad you had a great time. You are adorable and I love reading your blog. Thanks for the comments :)
What a fun time and great pictures! I don't watch the NBA much, I really quit watching once Jordan left, it's just not the same to me. I do have to say that I like JJ Reddick, even though he was a Duke boy! :)
what fun! I'm generally not into sports, but my husband can get so excited about them, so I get interested too!
I think it's so awesome that you could read that girl's texts. silly kids, but so sad for her body image issues!
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