Friday, February 26, 2010

Shots Anyone?

Last Friday was our first shot clinic. Our company graciously provides all of the immunizations we could need for living overseas which is an awesome blessing.

But a pain in the butt arm.

So, last Friday I got four of which was the first shot in the rabies series, and let me tell you, that sucker HURT.

I don't really get bothered by needles too much....

But Ian does! Oh sweet husband. I was in the exam room with him when it was his turn, and the look he gave me was one of complete and utter death.

(he only got 3 that time though.)

Today, at 2:00 we are receiving our second round of shots. I think I'm only getting a TB skin test and my second rabies, but we'll see!

Our third shot clinic is in three weeks.... Hurray for being "immunized!"


Ginger said...

ugh I hate shots you are a braver woman than I :)

Anonymous said...

Shots are no fun! Have a blessed weekend! :) Also I posted about a giveaway on my blog so if you're interested just come on over. :D

Anne @ Sincerely, Britches said...

Ewwww, icky shots.

katie said...

Wow! I hadn't gotten a shot in a long time until about two months ago. Not pleasant... but not as terrible as I had remembered either.

I had a TB test a few years ago. I liked the blue circle the nurse drew on my harm. It was like a temp. tatoo for a few days. Ha.

Kelley said...

Oh goodness! I have to say that boys are always the scaredy cats! No offense to your hubs! In my experience, it's the toughest looking, tattoo wearing guys that will always pass out!

At least you won't start foaming at the mouth :)

Courtney said...

Cute picture, friend :) Yay for shots being almost done!

Elizabeth said...

Hope your shots went well.....Ahhh not a big fan of them! But cute bandages!

Unknown said...

Now my local doctors surgery needs plaster like that! :)

Kate said...

Oh gosh...I hate shots! You are a brave girl! :)

Callie said...

Ha! Fun pictures!