Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Lost Weeks

It started when I was in a funk last week.

{Yes, I said funk. Though the term Ennui may be more fitting.}

My funk was a result of rain, lack of sleep {thank you to that ever present sun,} and some overexertion.

I knew what my week was going to look like, and it did NOT look pretty. In fact, there really wasn't much to it. The rain meant that I would be outside at all, and we've just about exhausted walking around the 3 nearest malls in our off hours.

And so, since I was agitated, I put down my camera and declared that "I would not be doing Project 365 this week." Too which Ian grunted his approval and went back to his all consuming news.

Pleased that he approved of this rather rash decision, I tucked my camera away and did not think about it once for the next week and a half.

Apparently I'm taking this week off as well.

Please don't judge.

So, I'm trying to decide if I should just let these two weeks be "Lost weeks," and not let it bother me that Project 365 is really Project 351 OR should I extend 2 weeks into the new year? Hmmm. So much to choose from.

Word on the street is that the sun should be returning to grace us with its presence by tomorrow afternoon (hallelujah.)

Word on this blog is that I've almost saved up enough to buy my new lens! One to Two more weeks!


Brittany said...

:) I say pretend the year got shorter! :)

ALSO.. tomorrow is your big feature on my blog?

Excited? You better be!!!

~M~ said...

It is your make the rules!!! :)

Victoria said...

I can already tell I am going to enjoy reading your blog!! (If you don't mind!) I worked with Hanna and I absolutely enjoy reading hers!! She is very bright and funny and she says the both of you are similar and have a lot in common!! Have a blessed day.

He & Me + 3 said...

Cute blog you have here. Popped over from Brittany's blog to say Hi. I am so glad the sun is gracing us with it's presence around here too. A new lens? How fun. I got a new one for Mother's day...I also do a 365 project. who is yours with?
Nice to meet you.

Shelley said...

Hey! I followed you over from the other Brittany's blog! Just wanted to say hello and that you have an adorable blog!

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from Brittney's blog and became a follower. Look forward to reading! :)

The Fashion Bloggess said...

wow! great post as per usual!
LOVE your blog sooooo much!
Such an inspiration! Definitely
bookmarking you righttt now!
Hope you can stop by mine
sometime :) xx