Monday, May 31, 2010

Not Sure What to Think...

For living in a city that is, generally, rather unfriendly, you can imagine our surprise when our cashier at the grocery store struck up a conversation with us.

You can imagine our even GREATER surprise when she, (who, by the way was a Canadian immigrant from Mexico with a Canadian accent,) asked Ian if anyone had ever told him that he looks like someone famous.

We were more shocked when she figured out who she was talking about....

Josh Duggar!

We laughed and were a little uncomfortable, because all though ew love them and the values that they stand for, alot of the world doesn't!

But this Canadian Mexican cashier did!

Ian is a little perturbed I think.

I blamed it on his plain navy polo with khakis and tennis shoes.

Poor soul.

He doesn't usually dress that mix matched, (tennis shoes with a polo?) but we had to go to the grocery store and I've already rambled on here several times about that hike.

I told Ian that at least it was better than when someone told him he looked like Dwight from The Office. Ha!


Brittany said...

I LOVE the duggers... plus I don't think thats an insult at all.. Josh Duggar is kinda cute! :)

Kristin said...

You can't post this without a picture of Ian!!! I'm so curious now!! My husband would be perturbed too!

katie said...

LOL! I think this is soooo funny for a couple reasons.

1. Because the Canadian Mexican cashier knows about the Duggars.

2. Because of the connection made to your man.

and 3. Because my hubby wears tennis shoes with polos and shorts ALL THE TIME. I guess I thought it was normal until now.

~M~ said...

How funny!

chloë. said...

Haha hilarious! But that is DEFINITELY better than being compared to Dwight! Yikes!

Sarah Ann said...

That is so hilarious! :)

Jessica said...

lol..soo funny!! I don't know if I see the comparison from pictures you've posted. You can tell him that if that makes him feel better! lol

Mrs. Ruby said...

That is absolutely hilarious! Don't worry, my hubs has gotten "Napolean Dynamite" before...ew.

Heather said...

I need a picture of Ian!! I am curious now! so funny!!

OlyviaNoel said...

This post made me laugh. I've missed reading your blog! When we were in Brazil on a missions trip, my hubby was called Shaggy from Scooby-Doo :/ Thankfully his hair has been cut short for a few years now and the facial hair is gone, lol.