Total weight gain:I was down five pounds at last weeks appointment. As in, I had lost 5 pounds. And though I wouldn't recommend weight loss during pregnancy to anyone, I'm pretty proud of myself for not letting myself fall into the trap of the early pregnancy cravings that some give into, saying that "I'm pregnant so I can eat as much as I want!" The truth is, your body doesn't really need that many more calories a day in the first 10-12 weeks, so my Dr and nurses were not at all concerned at the weight loss.
Also, as an aside, I had been working at losing 15 pounds before we found out we were pregnant so, with that five, I am down to 3 pounds left. Not that I'm trying to lose weight now, but for post baby weight loss, I am only 3 pounds away from what my ideal weight would be. If any of that would make sense to others.
Total inches gained:Uh, I'm not sure!
Maternity clothes?Just a Bella Band with unbuttoned pants, ha! Thankfully, living in a conservative Muslim village my clothing of choice is loose and long already, leaving plenty of room for bump growth!
Cravings: Salty foods! Like, I actually ate chips (I hate chips!) and baked potatoes are my carbohydrate rich friends. And, according to the wives tales here, that means we are having a boy. Who knows. So weird, considering I am the biggest chocoholic you've ever met! Though I won't snub my nose at a plateful of homemade chocolate chip cookies!
Symptoms: I have to be careful when standing up, laughing, or sneezing because of the Round Ligament Pain which is quite sharp and takes my breath away! Still haven't gotten my hunger back from this first trimester, but I am praising God that I did not have one ounce of morning sickness! Incredible!
Sleep:Oi. Not so great, but it's alright. I was taking a 2-3 hour afternoon nap every day, but I think when I hit 12 weeks my body started needing less rest, so my naps in the afternoon were affecting my night time sleep.
Best moment this week: Feeling like my belly looks less "bloated," and more "baby!"
Movement: No, not yet! I am guessing another 3-4 weeks until I can feel anything. We did, however, get to watch an awesome ultrasound for upwards of 30 minutes because our radiologist was chatty with Ian. Something about american colleges. I could care less as long as I got to watch baby move around!
Gender:No CLUE! Despite my pronoun mishap on my last blog, I really don't know what the baby is! We won't for 7-8 more weeks. Hold your horses folks!
Belly Button in or out? In. Probably the pregnancy symptom I am least looking forward to. I love my innie.
Weekly Wisdom: Figure out the foods that DO interest you, and stick with them!
Milestones: Getting to see baby Galloway on the ultrasound. I asked the tech for a picture, because I had been too shy to ask for one last time, and she went into the computer and printed up our 8 week one and the current 12 week! Look at the amazing difference 4 weeks make!

I thought I would show you what I meant about my clothes ALL acting as maternity clothes right now. This is a normal outfit, except I would be wearing a long sleeve, high neck shirt under the dress:
You look great! I am so happy for you two. Hopefully your sleep will get a little better in time. I wonder if the carb craves really will bring you a boy?! Can't wait to find out with you guys.
It's amazing how much work God is doing over 4 weeks, even though you can't see it or feel it while it's going on! Isn't his handiwork amazing!?
Yay, thanks for posting the update! You look great - I don't think you look pregnant at all yet! It's nice that you won't have to buy any maternity clothes. Aw, the baby is so cute! Our las tultrasouns tech didn't take a very good profile shot, so you can't see the sweet little nose - I was sorely disappointed. It's fun that we get to be pregnant at the same time!
Look at you losing 5 pounds and no morning sickness! You Lucky Duck!
What an exciting time for you!! :-)
You look great, Brittney! And I actually craved salty/spicy things when I was pregnant with my girls, and sweets/chocolate when pregnant with my, who knows?? I guess I proved that old wives tale wrong! :)
how great that you got the 8 week printed too! I like that purple dress a lot! and I think its exciting to be reading pregnancy updates from you-- Congrats AGAIN!!
It's just so hard to believe that my sweet little Brittney is having a baby!!!!!!! I couldn't be happier for you and I am so so glad I am able to see your progress, and know that you are well. I love you so very much!!!
so many exciting things happening! Can't wait to hear all about the journey along the way!
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