October seems like so long ago! We started the month, on the 1st, by celebrating Ian's 24th birthday! I was somewhat of a failure of a wife this year, because I wasn't really prepared for his birthday, nor did I make a big deal out of it. I was so overwhelmed with cultural adjustment and just learning how to LIVE here that I overlooked that little thing called "birthday gifts." My bad.
Although we announced our pregnancy in September, October marked the end of the first trimester, bringing about the chance to breathe a sigh of relief!
During the 13th week, I shared our first and second ultrasound pictures!

8 weeks along- just a little raisin!

Just 4 weeks later, at 12 weeks, she has a face and everything!

I finally had Ian take a picture of my pregnant self and began the process of more thoroughly documenting the pregnancy!

We took a long weekend and traveled to the big city, where we stayed in a nice hotel and ate a tone of good American food!

We received our first care package, which was the first of many blessings from people!

My class also took a field trip to a nearby fort. It was beautiful and I can't wait to take our little girl back there for photo shoots!

We also went exploring into the mountains on a Saturday, and went swimming in a wadi!
October was busy and I felt like we were so much more comfortable in our new home this month!

1 comment:
ultrasound pictures are the best!
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