What I am loving this Wednesday in the Kitchen:

My parents sent us a care package, complete with a mega package of craisins, which I have been craving ever since we got here! Definitely on my "if you want to send a care package, here are a few ideas," along with pepperoni, sharpie pens, and Easy Mac. Plus, I had been saving a package of white chocolate chips that our friends had given us for Christmas to make oatmeal craisin w/ white chocolate chip cookies, and now I can make them!
*Major accomplishment for the week, frying food.
That's right, what most people try to avoid doing because of the nutritional black hole that is fried foods, I am all about! I fried my first chicken (besides bacon) this week and we loved it. I promise, I cook all of the time, but I just avoid frying food because I hate getting burnt by the oil splatter! I used Jessica's pretzel crusted chicken recipe and it was delicious! Then today I made up my own "fried chicken" recipe, complete with some peri-peri marinade and a crunchy bread crumb coating. Yum.
*I finally mixed up a container of Paula Deen's House Seasoning and we are using it on just about everything. Please, do yourself a favor and have some handy!
What I am loving this Wednesday in the House:
*My sweet husband, who scrubbed the tiles in the bathroom that I couldn't reach, washed the dinner dishes, and sat me down to tell me what he was planning for our 3rd wedding anniversary, which is next month. Did I mention he is sweet? Because he is!
*A clean shower, 3 loads of laundry complete, a dinner that was a hit, and a baby that is sleeping quietly in her crib. Need I say more?
*An impromptu photo shoot with Grace this afternoon. I've yet to look at the images, but I'm sure there are some keepers. Speaking of photography...my camera is having problems focusing/it won't actually let me take the pictures. I have a Canon Rebel T1i DSLR and I use it on manual. Anyone know what could be wrong? Am I too close to my subject or is it possible the lens or camera body is broken?
What I am loving this Wednesday Out and About:
*Well, it's happened. We've hit 115 degrees a couple of times now. Summer has arrived in the Middle East and it's only really beginning. You'd think that I would hate it, but I'm "loving" it because our air conditioners are working, I have plenty to do in our home, and because of the heat, I don't feel the pressure to go out and about, I can stay home and get things done. Amazing!
*I'm finished with school for the week! It was a long, mind numbing, word losing kind of Arabic learning week, but I have a 3 day weekend followed by only a 2 day week next week! Yay!
*Grace has her 2 month check up next week. 2 months! And we are going to the city to get her social security/notice of live birth/passport from the embassy! Finally she'll be official!
Hey girl! I know I can't even believe that it's been almost a year since we met!!! SO crazy! :) I don't think sweet Grace was even on the way yet when we first met! :) Well, we do love some bows at our house, but I don't have a specific place I have gotten them. I just kind of pick them up at different kids's clothing stores. But I am sure you could find some good ones online! I'll let you know if I come across any really good bow websites! :)
Sounds like you do indeed have a very sweet husband :)
And 115?? Yikes! Praise God for a/c!
Thanks for playing along!
You're loving so many great things!
WOW! 2 months already??? Go Grace!
I'm glad you tried the pretzel-crusted chicken! Luke has requested it a lot lately, and he's a pretty picky eater, so it must be good! haha
And 115 degrees?! Oh my, I can't even imagine what that must feel like. I would be staying inside too if I were you!
Wow 115 degrees! Insane!
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