We had great start to our week, with our baby girl turning 10 weeks old and attending our little friend's dance recital.
Grace is now ten weeks old!
She has become such a joy to be around in the last 1-2 weeks.
After she eats, she usually gives us 20-30 solid minutes of smiles and grins. She loves the sound of my laughter and lights up when her Daddy talks. She'll even stop nursing to smile if I talk to her! Adorable!

This is an unofficial update on Grace, but I want to remember how she has also started sleeping more solidly at night, usually going from her 10 pm feeding to a 5 am feeding.
She's a rock star at our language school, often being scooped out of my arms by a teacher or student the moment we walk through the doors.
She LOVES being around people and seeing new things. It's almost like she could care less about toys or other baby things, but people and events fascinate her! So different from her Momma, who would much rather stay cuddled in bed, reading by herself!

Grace got all dolled up in an outfit from her Great Grandparents to go to the dance recital of some little friends of ours. Though there isn't a dance studio in our little town, a student at our language school offered to teach some classes for a couple 3 and 4 year old girls.

They took lessons for a couple of months and then had their recital today, at the end of our school semester! They danced to Jack Johnson's "Jungle Gym," and demonstrated how they stretch and their different positions- too cute!

Makes me think of my dance recitals as a little girl! I didn't dance for long, but I loved it when I was really little, and maybe, if she wants to, Grace may take lessons too!
{Though, I secretly hope she'll become a swimmer, just like I was!}

She looks so adorable in that dress! Happy 10 Weeks Grace!
What a sweet, precious, adorable, cutie pie!
Adorable pictures of Grace!! Those sweet cheeks of hers just beg to be smooched...do it as much as possible before she's mobile and hard to catch!
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