Friday, June 10, 2011


I've had a good week. A really good week!

School is going well and I love having my private classes (as compared with having to be in a classroom environment where you are just one student among many.) I'm seeing alot of growth in my language learning, which is encouraging.

Speaking of language, I went on two local visits this week, and was able to use my Arabic much more! I was really proud of myself for stepping outside of my comfort zone and stretching myself in my language use.

Grace is sleeping in much longer chunks, usually 6-7 hours at night! We're keeping her up a little bit longer during the day between naps, and I think that is helping alot.

I finally got some social time in! I mentioned a couple of weeks ago how I was really struggling with loneliness out here. It's true. My selection of people (who are English speakers) is small and when those friends are busy, you are plum out of luck. I got alot of time with ladies this week though and it made my heart so happy. I miss my friends back home like crazy, and no one could ever replace them, but it is so nice to just "be" for a little while and not be wishing to be somewhere else.

I've also had great success in the kitchen recently. You see, Ian L-O-V-E-S his mom's cajun style meatloaf and I L-O-V-E my mom's midwestern style meatloaf. I can't make Ian's mom's meatloaf because it calls for pork sausage (hard to find in this Arab country!) and I feel bad only making my mom's because it isn't Ian's favorite (not because it is bad, just because he loves his momma's!)

Anyways, I found and tried a recipe that we like alot, so now we have "our" own meatloaf!

I also tackled homemade sloppy joes (I've always just used a seasoning packet, so doing it from scratch was a big deal!) sweet tea (I know, I'm southern, but somehow good sweet tea eludes me,) an orange cake, and fried spicy chicken!

Obviously, I made more food than that in a whole week, but those were the things I was proud of.

Another form of success I have seen this week is in the reading department. The past 3 or 4 months I just have not felt like reading! It always bothers me when I go through these phases, because I love reading, but sometimes I can't get into or am not interested in the books that I have available to me. Well, I picked up and began reading a fiction and a non fiction this week, so hopefully that will jump start me in the right direction.

And, just in case you are in need of a laugh on this wonderful Friday, here is Grace, mid sneeze:
*No babies were harmed in the production of this photograph. Baby was caught and re propped back up, against the pillow.*


Lauren said...

Love that photo! & congrats on the productive week...I know those times always make me feel better too!

Unknown said...

I love seeing pictures of you cute little girl :) I am so gald you had a good week!

Emily said...

The picture of Grace totally made me laugh. She is so cute and she is looking so girlie with her headband...I love it!

Brian and Ashley said...

She looks adorable in her bright outfit! Even in mid-sneeze! And I would love to see your recipes... we could definitely use some new selections here!

I wish I could send some Publix your way- I don't imagine it would be very good after the long travel time. Have a super day!

Amber said...

Good for youon cooking such yummy dinners with a baby! And that's a hilarious picture! Gotta love those baby sneezes :)

katie said...

She is so stinkin' cute! And you have made me hungry!!

Alison said...

Yay!!! So glad you had a great week! And I love the cute pic of Grace! :)

The Barker's said...

Love the picture and her outfit!!! Glad your week was great!

Emily said...

Priceless and very funny picture! Glad you had a happy and successful week!