I've been doing monthly update posts on Grace along with these picture posts of her life, week by week, and I have to tell you, I'm LOVING having these pictures. My plan is, after her first birthday, to order a photo book with just her 52 week by week pictures and her 12 monthly photos. It may not tell a coherent story but it shows her growth, her personality, and the passing of time.
My Grace baby is such a joy. I've said that before and I'll say it again. She is a happy, smiley, squeally little baby, who is all girl and who loves her momma.

i LOVE that you share these photos...she is so precious & I think that photo book is a fabulous idea!
She is getting so big! She looks so cute with her earrings in the last picture.
I love these!
I plan to do the exact same thing with my Project 365 pictures. I just love the simple everyday pictures. I do need to be better about updating my blog with them though...I'm like a month behind !
I did the same thing with Callie Grace! I took (at least) 2 pics of her every week for all 52 weeks! I have them all in an album, and I love looking back at them! Wish I had done this with the other kids...but life got a little crazy! :)
She is darling!
she's such a cute little tootlebug and so often her facial expressions remind us of her pappy jim. :)
I love that last one, what a pretty little smile she has!
She is definitely full of personality!!! She is getting so big and so beautiful!!!
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