October started out with a quick trip to the big city for Ian's birthday. We ate at On the Border and Texas Roadhouse, and walked around some stores. It was a good weekend away and a great chance to celebrate 25 years of Ian!

Grace continued wowing us with her ability to sleep through the night, a new skill she finally learned in the previous month. She sleeps with two tiny little burp rags and two pacifiers, that usually get flung from one end of the crib to the other.

We celebrated Grace's six month birthday with a photo shoot in the local park and family time. I can't believe she's already 6 months old!

We spent alot of time with our friends, B and A, and despite what this picture shows, Grace sure does love them!

Grace started on solid foods this month, with carrots as her first food. SHe kind of gags and gets the shivers from them, but she keeps on eating!

Grace also got her ears pierced this month! (in retrospect, what a busy month October was!) She did a wonderful job and only cried for 20 seconds, tops. She has never messed with them and hasn't had any problems. I cleaned them for about a week, but, honestly, I forgot to do it regularly after that.

She finally fit into a onesie that my parents sent from the Loveless Cafe in Nashville, TN. We did a cooking inspired photo shoot to commemorate the day.

AND she finally fit into a tutu/Princess outfit from Ian's parents so we captured that moment as well!

October came to an end and we were looking forward to the beginning of Grace's first holiday season!

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