Today, I'm loving:
Today, I'm loving:
Today, I'm loving:
Today, I'm loving:

- That I am 37 weeks (plus one day!) pregnant. Baby Sophia could join our family any moment now!
- That the heat has's only 105 as a high, as opposed to four months of 120+!
- That my sweet husband let us have cereal for dinner instead of the chicken and potatoes that I was planning... I was just too tired!
- That I finished The Three Musketeers! It's a whopper of a book at 650 + pages, but it was AMAZING.
- That I get to choose a new book! I think I'm going to go with It Happened in Italy, a nonfiction on the resistance movement in a village in Italy during WWII.
- That my sweet, baby girl is learning so much every day. Today she perfected "Touchdown!" and started working on "apple," "milk," and how to get down from a step.
Today, I'm loving:
- That tomorrow is going to be as equally as awesome as today. Day date with my husband to pick up the crib and see a movie!
- That I got to talk to my sister! We don't chat very often but I love it when we do!
- That I started my morning off with a run out to Krispy Kreme. And by "run," I mean loading my one year old in her car seat and driving the 10 minutes there and back. I don't mean a literal "run."
Today, I'm loving:
- That we are less than 2 weeks away from Ian's mom coming to visit! She'll be here through the birth and I can't wait to give her a big hug! It will be her first time to meet Grace as well.
- That my daughter knows how to make a camel sound but isn't too sure about a cow sound. That's the life of a desert baby for you!
- That we got a package in the mail today. I love mail and it always makes the day seem brighter.
Today, I'm loving:
- That I am getting to use my teaching skills again. It's been fun to come up with some lesson plans and activities for the kids I'm tutoring. Oh. And I'm tutoring them in Arabic. Which is pretty awesome.
- That my fridge is full once again., We had let it go to empty so that we could up a bunch of older items (considering our fridge is only 3 weeks old, "old," is a relative term,) and we had been scraping by for a day or two with next to nothing.
- That my husband gives me a foot rub. Every. Single. Day. He's awesome. Physical Touch is my love language and Ian does great at adding to my "love bank," through foot rubs, shoulder massages, and snuggles.

37 weeks, so exciting! I am just catching up on blog reading and I love how your friends threw you a virtual shower! How fun!
I can't believe you are full term already! I hope Sophia waits until your MIL gets there to arrive, but I can't wait to "meet" her! That is so cute that Grace can do touchdown - Will would love it if I taught Liam that! I might have to start working on it. Have fun on your day date!!
Grace's hair is really growing! She's precious!
Love this post!!! You can sense your contentment in life!!! Grace is beautiful and I always love her pictures!!
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