Baby weight. That annoying tire that sits around your now saggy belly after you are holding your precious bundle in your arms.
For anyone that has had a baby, you know just what I mean. And for those of you who haven't, I'm here to satisfy your curiosity with how hat baby weight can come off (or if it can't!)
I want to be really honest with you here. I put on over 35 pounds with this pregnancy. Too much for most women, and too much for me as well. I was baffled because, though I didn't exercise, I really had watched what I was eating and never used the "eating for two" excuse.
My doctor very graciously reviewed my charts from both pregnancies though and saw that I put on the same amount of weight at the same points- almost down to the same amounts each week in each pregnancy.
He explained that pregnancy weight gain is a hormonal thing for many, even when you control exercise and food intake, and that I would probably put on the same amount with subsequent pregnancies. (but he also added in that I could put on MUCH more if I wasn't careful with what I ate. It's not all hormones or genetics!)
As the end of my pregnancy with Sophia drew near, all I could think of was being thinner again. I hadn't worried about it much after Grace, because I knew that we would be trying again soon. I exercised and ate okay but I didn't step on a scale until I was back for my first prenatal appointment with baby #2. I was surprised to find out that I had, without really trying, gotten back to my pre pregnancy weight. I hope that can happen again this time, but I am prepared for a little more work put into it.
I affectionately call the first four weeks after I have a baby "the melt off" period, because that is what happens to all of that baby weight- it falls right off of you!
There is the normal 10+ pounds from just delivering your baby and all of the other, um, fluids that come with it.
You come home from the hospital and it's not like how you pictured it at all- your belly is saggy and still quite big, your ankles are massively swollen, and your face is pale and pastey. At least, that's how it was with me. I even have a picture, right after we walked in the door with Grace when I was giving her her first diaper change at home, but I still look 5 months pregnant. I hate that picture. And I hate that I hate that picture.
Then, in the days that come, you lose several ounces of blood and, if you are like me, LOTS of water weight. I didn't mean to with Grace, but as soon as I gave birth I started drinking a ton of water, and had the frequent bathroom trips to prove it! It really helped flush out my system and get the swelling to go down quicker.
This time around, with Sophia, I made sure to always have water nearby to sip on, trying to down 6-8 ounces during a nursing session, and to take a sip or two in between.
The first weeks are so busy and so tiring, you miss meals even when you don't mean to. You are constantly on the move unless you are tied down to a chair, nursing every 2-3 hours, which is especially true with baby number 2!
I watched diligently this time as the number on the scale dropped lower and lower. I didn't want to put any unnecessary pressure on myself yet to lose weight- I knew it would happen for a little bit by itself. I chose not to start working out until the one month postpartum mark and worked hard at getting in 5-6 smaller meals a day, since my appetite was really suppressed.
I'm really excited to see how I can do this time around, getting back to a healthy weight and getting back into shape. My goals are simple:
1.) Be back down to pre pregnancy weight, meaning I will need to lose 35-40 pounds
2.) Smooth out some problem areas that got loose, particularly my lower stomach and thighs.
3.) Be able to fit and feel good about myself in a pair of shorts by the time we go to the States next summer (I don't even own a pair of shorts right now!)
I was going to share all of my measurements and stats but decided to wait until I could show some improvements. The one I will share is my weight loss.
Now, at four weeks postpartum, here are my stats:
Weight loss: 25 pounds
Can't wait to see how I do and the progress my body makes!

For anyone that has had a baby, you know just what I mean. And for those of you who haven't, I'm here to satisfy your curiosity with how hat baby weight can come off (or if it can't!)
I want to be really honest with you here. I put on over 35 pounds with this pregnancy. Too much for most women, and too much for me as well. I was baffled because, though I didn't exercise, I really had watched what I was eating and never used the "eating for two" excuse.
My doctor very graciously reviewed my charts from both pregnancies though and saw that I put on the same amount of weight at the same points- almost down to the same amounts each week in each pregnancy.
He explained that pregnancy weight gain is a hormonal thing for many, even when you control exercise and food intake, and that I would probably put on the same amount with subsequent pregnancies. (but he also added in that I could put on MUCH more if I wasn't careful with what I ate. It's not all hormones or genetics!)
As the end of my pregnancy with Sophia drew near, all I could think of was being thinner again. I hadn't worried about it much after Grace, because I knew that we would be trying again soon. I exercised and ate okay but I didn't step on a scale until I was back for my first prenatal appointment with baby #2. I was surprised to find out that I had, without really trying, gotten back to my pre pregnancy weight. I hope that can happen again this time, but I am prepared for a little more work put into it.
I affectionately call the first four weeks after I have a baby "the melt off" period, because that is what happens to all of that baby weight- it falls right off of you!
There is the normal 10+ pounds from just delivering your baby and all of the other, um, fluids that come with it.
You come home from the hospital and it's not like how you pictured it at all- your belly is saggy and still quite big, your ankles are massively swollen, and your face is pale and pastey. At least, that's how it was with me. I even have a picture, right after we walked in the door with Grace when I was giving her her first diaper change at home, but I still look 5 months pregnant. I hate that picture. And I hate that I hate that picture.
Then, in the days that come, you lose several ounces of blood and, if you are like me, LOTS of water weight. I didn't mean to with Grace, but as soon as I gave birth I started drinking a ton of water, and had the frequent bathroom trips to prove it! It really helped flush out my system and get the swelling to go down quicker.
This time around, with Sophia, I made sure to always have water nearby to sip on, trying to down 6-8 ounces during a nursing session, and to take a sip or two in between.
The first weeks are so busy and so tiring, you miss meals even when you don't mean to. You are constantly on the move unless you are tied down to a chair, nursing every 2-3 hours, which is especially true with baby number 2!
I watched diligently this time as the number on the scale dropped lower and lower. I didn't want to put any unnecessary pressure on myself yet to lose weight- I knew it would happen for a little bit by itself. I chose not to start working out until the one month postpartum mark and worked hard at getting in 5-6 smaller meals a day, since my appetite was really suppressed.
I'm really excited to see how I can do this time around, getting back to a healthy weight and getting back into shape. My goals are simple:
1.) Be back down to pre pregnancy weight, meaning I will need to lose 35-40 pounds
2.) Smooth out some problem areas that got loose, particularly my lower stomach and thighs.
3.) Be able to fit and feel good about myself in a pair of shorts by the time we go to the States next summer (I don't even own a pair of shorts right now!)
I was going to share all of my measurements and stats but decided to wait until I could show some improvements. The one I will share is my weight loss.
Now, at four weeks postpartum, here are my stats:
Weight loss: 25 pounds
Can't wait to see how I do and the progress my body makes!

Congrats on your weight loss! Your doing great! :)
Good work Brittney! I lost 25 pounds without trying after having Henry but I had to work for the rest (20 more pounds!). I was eating way more than I needed to, I think just from being used to eating that much while pregnant. So watching my calories and making sure I was walking every day really helped me with the rest. Let me know how you tame the lower belly and thighs...I need to work on those after as well!
Good work Brittney! I lost 25 pounds without trying after having Henry but I had to work for the rest (20 more pounds!). I was eating way more than I needed to, I think just from being used to eating that much while pregnant. So watching my calories and making sure I was walking every day really helped me with the rest. Let me know how you tame the lower belly and thighs...I need to work on those after as well!
YOWZER! Way to go!
I gained about 36 pounds with Emerson and I watched what I ate also. It's good to know that you can only control it to a certain point and the rest is hormones/genetics/etc. I think we are all hard on ourselves when we get over the 25-30 pound mark but I thought you looked amazing at the end of your pregnancy! Yay for 25 pounds down! I think you've done a great job setting realistic goals and I have no doubt that you will reach them. I have tons of workout videos if you ever want to borrow any. :)
way to go girl! I gained WAY too much weight with Elyse, but I'm back down to my pre-preggo weight now and couldn't be happier! I love the "melt-off" concept because for me that really is what happened!
I totally agree that a LOT of weight gain for some women is hormonal. I put on closer to 50 pounds each time, and it's really so frustrating. I could eat cardboard and still gain that much weight. For me losing the last 10 pounds is always the kicker, it took a lot longer to lose those final 10 with 2nd baby, AND keep it off, so I'm kind of scared this time. HA! I walked a LOT, which really does help, but I think I'll be putting more effort into toning after this one! I do think there are some perks to having babies early in life! I know when I hit 25 my metabolism really slowed down, compared to what it had been for so long. There's something to that, too!
You're doing great!
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